New McNeill Group Publication

We’re happy to announce the publication of our new paper as a Just Accepted manuscript in ES&T!  This paper presents the first results from our new model, GAMMA.  GAMMA is a photochemical box model that couples gas-phase chemistry with detailed aqueous aerosol chemistry, enabling predictions of aqueous-phase secondary organic aerosol and organosulfate formation in atmospheric aerosols.

McNeill, V.F., Woo, J.L., Kim, D.D., Schwier, A.N., Wannell, N.J., Sumner, A.J., Barakat, J.M. ”Aqueous-phase Secondary Organic Aerosol and Organosulfate Formation in Atmospheric Aerosols: A Modeling Study” Environmental Science & Technology, Just Accepted Manuscript, doi: 10.1029/es3002986 (2012)

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