Our new publication in PNAS, “Surfactants from the gas phase may promote cloud droplet formation,” is highlighted in this news article, published today in E&E News’ ClimateWire!
Category: News
We are thrilled to announce the publication of our work in the Early Edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy Sciences, USA! This work is the result of our ongoing…
Our collaborative work with the Nenes group at Georgia Tech, published today in the PNAS Early Edition, is featured in the following article on the Columbia SEAS homepage: Study Shows…
The latest McNeill Group End of Semester party was held Friday, December 7, 2012. A good time was had by all, including Sammy, the lab baby (not featured here because…
We are happy to announce the publication of our newest review article: “Organics in Environmental Ices: Sources, Chemistry, and Impacts,” in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. This article is part of…
We’re happy to announce the publication of our new paper as a Just Accepted manuscript in ES&T! This paper presents the first results from our new model, GAMMA. GAMMA is a…
On May 21st, McNeill Group doctoral students Allison Schwier and Joe Woo visited Huntington High School in Long Island, NY, to assist in a lecture with McNeill Group visiting scholar…
We are pleased to announce that Joseph Woo, a 3rd year graduate student in the Chemical Engineering Department and a member of the McNeill Group, has been selected to receive…
The McNeill Group is happy to announce that a new manuscript has been published for open discussion in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions. This article originated from discussions at the…
We are thrilled to announce that Neha Sareen has successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis, making her the first doctoral student to graduate from the McNeill Group. Congratulations, Dr. Sareen!!