Prof. McNeill attended an event titled “Leaders’ Forum on Women Leading the Way- Raising Ambition for Climate Action” on Monday Sep. 22. The event was hosted by UN Women and…
Category: News
We’re excited to announce the publication of our newest paper, “Model Analysis of Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation by Glyoxal in Laboratory Studies: The Case for Photoenhanced Chemistry.” This manuscript, which…
Today was the last day for our high school summer volunteers, Izzy and Lucy! The dynamic duo wrapped up their work with a #flawless final presentation. They made great progress…
We have been experiencing problems with our website hosting intermittently this summer. We apologize if you have encountered any errors when trying to navigate around the site. The issue should…
We’re pleased to announce the publication of our latest research article as a Just Accepted manuscript in J. Phys. Chem. C. This article is part of the John Hemminger Festschrift.…
A new manuscript was published online today in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions. This work was the result of a collaboration with the Geiger and Thomson groups at Northwestern U.…
The McNeill Group extends a warm welcome to Lucy and Izzy, visiting student researchers working on the Oil Spill project!
We’re pleased to announce the publication of the final version of our manuscript, “Inorganic salts interact with oxalic acid in submicron particles to form material with low hygroscopicity and volatility”…
Congratulations to all the 2014 McNeill Group Graduates: Joe Woo, Alison Fankhauser, Mark De Luna, Andrew Sumner, and Min Kuo!
This article in the UCSD News is a nice followup on the Mario Molina Symposium and Celebration, which was held last week at Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Prof. McNeill has…